
This is my first little page so I’ll try to make it look good. But anyways, hi! Welcome to the page where you’ll find everything about me!


I like several different colors, most of them are light colors, like yellow.  Lighter colors are really just what I gravitate towards to. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like darker colors either. Some darker colors look really good too!

As you might know from my posts and my drawings, I like to draw. I’m not professional level yet but I’m learning more about drawing every month! I usually draw on my tablet or phone but I also draw on paper! My drawings definitely differ with what I draw on. Like, for paper, I feel like I can make new designs pretty easily, but making the drawing stand out with color is a lot easier on tablet. Drawing on a computer is still something I struggle with, but with my profile picture and theme, I feel like with practice, I can improve a lot!

Anime is also something I enjoy! The way drawings just come to life in an epic story-telling/action scenes are just amazing!


Spiders. I’m really scared of spiders. It’s honestly just any insect that I’m scared of. Just them having so much legs and crawly and urrghhh it’s so creepy!! I don’t hate all insects though. Butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs, and fireflies are all something I enjoy seeing.

I also don’t like sports. I’m bad at them but that’s not why I don’t like it. It’s the people that play them that really irritates me. It’s like if you take a kid and mix them with all the things wrong with the world and spit them out. The results will be someone who acts like winning or losing a game of sports in gym class will determine their entire future.

And that’s all! (for now)

That should be all I’m going to share about me for now. In the future, there might be more added or changed to this little page and I’m definitely going to try to make it look better if it doesn’t already.
