
So for class, I’m supposed to create either a poem or a song using only one syllable. I decided to make it into a mad lib for me and my family to play to make it funnier. (Words that are in brackets are what we added)

So without further delay, let’s get into it!


King [Pools] needs help,

His kid, [Bed], was not in her room,

and he got a threat from the [dumb] Witch [Gum]


She said that to get [Bed] back,

King [Pools] has to bring her three things:

[four] [scales], a [big] [soap bar] and a pair of [mean] [jeans],


King [Pools] ran to find all of the items,

but the [dumb] Witch [Gum] told lies,


Even when King [Pools] brought her [four] [scales],

a [big] [soap bar] and a pair of [mean] [jeans],

she kept [Bed] hidden,


She sent an army of [snails] after him,

but he threw the [big] [soap bar] at them,

and made them all run back to the Witch,


 The [dumb] Witch [Gum] fell,

and gave him the key to where [Bed] was kept,


She said “I will be back,”

and ran through the [couch],


In the end, King [Pools] found [Bed] and they did not hear from the [dumb] Witch [Gum] again.


The End


I’m typing this before we do the mad lib so I’m hoping it doesn’t turn out too crazy but still funny. I hope you enjoyed this. I enjoyed making the basic template and I actually might do another one of these in the future and it’ll be a lot more interesting too! (and we won’t be limited to one syllables like this time)

I also published a draft version of this on accident but it’s fixed now.
