It's Another Side of Randomness

Sometimes sweet, sometimes salty, but always there for the full course of random


Basically for class [Assignment]

So these are themes and posts I have to do for my class. But you should still read these! It’s not going to boring since it’s written by me myself and I! :D
All of these posts are labeled with “[Assignment]”

One syllable mad lib story! [Assignment]

Hey! So for class, I’m supposed to create either a poem or a song using only one syllable. I decided to make it into a mad lib for me and my family to play to make it funnier. (Words that… Continue Reading →

Let’s talk about current events [Assignment] (19th)

Hey! So for class, I’m supposed to write about my thoughts on current events and seeing how my classmates were all posting about either personal experience current events and sad current events, I decided that I’m not including any current… Continue Reading →

How To: Kill Someone and Get Away With It [Assignment] (18th)

Hey! So to kill someone and get away with it, you should first locate- okay I’m just kidding. At the time of writing this, it was April first so April Fools! The actual thing is “How To: Create Your Own… Continue Reading →

Playlist of my life?! [Assignment] (15th side)

Hey! So as you may all know, I LOVE music. And as for a class assignment, I have to create a soundtrack for my life or just when I do something. Like my blog, my main playlist is usually all… Continue Reading →

Michael Jackson obituary conspiracy theory [Assignment] (14th side)

Hey! So while figuring out how I should style these stories, my class has an assignment to explain obituaries and other things. So I’ll write an example story which is also the assignment. Two birds with one stone! (no birds… Continue Reading →

Dedicated to my sister~ [Assignment] (11th side)

Hey! So this post isn’t the usual and is dedicated to my sister <3! It’s Valentines day today and I don’t have a significant other to celebrate with so Happy Single People Awareness day! Anyways I haven’t told my sister… Continue Reading →

‘That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime’ Anime Review! [Assignment] (9th side)

Hey! So this is something for my class, but if you’re still interested, read on! Anyways, today I’m going to be reviewing a popular anime: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. I tried to keep this spoiler-free but there… Continue Reading →

10 Random Things about ME! [Assignment] (7th side)

Hey! (For your viewing pleasure, please click read more) So like the fifth side of dessert, this will also be a bit different. But like it, don’t expect me to act any differently! So this is 10 random things about me~… Continue Reading →

Writing inspirations?~ [Assignment] (5th side)

Hey! So unlike the previous posts, this will be following a certain theme, as this is for my class. But don’t let this stop you from reading! I’ll still be myself and you’ll learn a little bit more about me…. Continue Reading →

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