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So like the fifth side of dessert, this will also be a bit different. But like it, don’t expect me to act any differently! So this is 10 random things about me~

  1. I mentioned before that I love music but I don’t really like some genres of music. To me, rap music is really bad. I just don’t find rap music to be something that can be enjoyed (what kind of music do you guys hate?)
  2. I like chillier but still warm weather but drinking hot chocolate on a freezing cold weather is amazing.
  3. Speaking of hot choco, I tried different flavored hot chocolate like mint and other flavors and…. ehhhh… I’ll just stay with the original flavor.
  4. I spell the color gray as gray and color as color (what do you guys spell it as?)
  5. My legs hurt from gym today when I played kickball. Like, I feel like I’m going to suddenly trip and fall out of nowhere.
  6. I might change what my blog looks like a bit since right now, the widgets don’t show much.
  7. I write stories on a site called Wattpad (though I currently don’t have any stories post right now). Try to find me who I am on there! 😀
  8. I like reading comments on my blog or really anything I post (so yeah, post them!) (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
  9. I might start posting my drafts on here– [someone shut down the computer lab computers as I was writing this so I lost my train of thought and a bit of writing]
    Anyways I would love it if you posted thoughts on my drafts and any suggestions on them!
  10. I’m drinking water from a water bottle that’s in the shape of like soft drink bottle and it is so cute!

Anyways, that’s ten random things about me-
